Dry Beans - Pole Habit

Also known as Cherokee Black, the variety is good as both a snap and a dry bean; when mature, the greenish-purple 6” pods encase shiny jet-black seeds. This bean was originally shared with Seed Savers Exchange by the late Dr. John Wyche of Hugo, Oklahoma. His Cherokee ancestors carried this bean over the Trail of Tears, the infamous winter death march from the Smoky Mountains to Oklahoma (1838-39) that left a trail of 4,000 graves. Pole habit, snap or dry. Later to mature than most of the others we carry but but handles the fall rains well andstill one of our favorites.

Plump, deep red true-cranberry type bean that came to Whatcom County from Ely, Minnesota. Said to have been brought from Slovenia in a pocket by an immigrant ancestor. Great yields. Winner of Goshen Neighborhood Bean Taste Test. One of our earliest and most productive pole dry beans. 60 seeds per 1 ounce packet.